Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 4 of my (slightly dissapointing) 6-Day Fast

Sooooo....this is NOT okay. I chose a 6-day fast because when I fast, it only takes me 6 days to lose 10 pounds. My goal was 98 pounds after this shit is done with. But for SOME reason, I've only been losing a pound a day since I started. Wtf..

I've been going over all the possible explainations for why I'm not as close to my goal as I thought I would be, but I really just don't know anything for sure. Or how to change it.

I've narrowed my pathetic lack of weight loss down to the fallowing explainations:

*I'm getting my period and am just bloated (even though I'm not..)

*I quit smoking a few weeks ago so I'm gaining weight rather than losing (even though, I quit WEEKS ago and I've been eating healthy, drinking a lot of water and exercising...?)

*I've been going to the gym a lot so I'm gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat (even though I slacked on working out all weekend..)

*I have to poop. My body is still holding on to everything I ate before my fast (even though I gave myself an enima to get rid of everything....BTW, TMI? GTFO. =P )

Whatever the reason, I can only hope the next two days go smoothly or I'm going to have to extend this fast longer than I expected to.

Symptoms are much better today though. I feel so....cleansed. =) No more headache, cravings not bad today, and I even had a burst of energy that I used to deep clean the house and push myself (harder than I should on a water fast) at the gym. In fact, I burned 1,500 calories today just in cardio. Not to mention, the Basic 8 training I did on the machines.

Take THAT, slow, unsatisfying weight loss! >.<

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 3 of my 6-Day Water Fast

It's the end of day 3 and I'm starting to get some cravings. They usually get stronger in the evenings, so I'm thinking about going to bed early to avoid any chance of failing. "Don't jeopardize what you want most for what you want in the moment," right? But I made it through Free Pancake Day without caving! Hooray! Lol

I posted about my fast on Facebook today. (People seem to be less suspicious when you're open about these things and have them "under control.") My friend Drea thought that a Water Fast is literally when you fast water. Like, rid your diet of it all together. She reamed me out for being stupid and damaging when she had no idea what she was even talking about. How the Hell can you fast from Water?? It's in EVERYTHING. Your body NEEDS it! And not only that, but the more you drink, themore water weight you lose! Why would anyone want to fast from water?? You'd die in less than a week. Just thought that was funny. Had to share it.

I'm also starting to get chilly on a constant basis. Perhaps I should consider adding Iron to my daily vitamins... I've taken like, 3 hot baths today, and it's about to be 4 here, in a minute, I think. Brrrrr... 

Fuck you, America.

So, I'm into day 3 of my water fast and this is when I usually start to get all my detox symptoms. Headache, chills, irritability, fatigue, etc.. all the signs that your body is getting a good cleanse and getting rid of all the nasty shit we put into our bodies without even realizing it. This is the day that I usually start getting strong food cravings and want to eat just about anything and everyting I could possibly get my hands on.

That being said, I would just like to point out that apparently America isn't fucking fat and glutonous enough as it is, so it was  decided that, for SOME reason, we need a National Pancake Day today. A NATIONAL FUCKING PANCAKE DAY. Right smack dab in the middle of the hardest point of my fast. Awesome. All the IHOPs are serving free pancakes today, I've had numerous people call/text me about this throughout the morning, and it doesn't help that every channel on TV seems to revolve around breakfast food today. I can't even log into Facebook without my news feed being flooded with delicious-looking pancake posts. I'm going to have to stress some SERIOUS will power today. -_-;;  

But hey, on the bright side, I haven't caved yet and have been loing a decent amount of weight for this only being day 3. =)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 2 of my 6-Day Fast

Stepped on the scale this morning. 106. Still bloated. Why have I been retaining so much water weight lately?? Well, I take that back. I know why. (My "cheat" day for doing so well. Ironic, right?) But I just thought it'd be gone by now.

I want to exercise while I still have enough energy to get a good workout in. Before I get to tired and cranky into my fast. I walked 3 miles to the gym, jogged/ran/walked uphill 6 miles on the treadmill, did a few reps on each machine for my "Basic 8" challange, and then walked 3 miles home. I always use Cardio Trainer when I'm walking so I know how many calories I'm burning. It's really nifty. I burned 1,500 calories today in just cardio alone! Sooo fucking ready to lose this weight. I feel good about my daily workouts, but I still feel so disgusted with my body. I just need to work harder an not give up so easily. NO MORE FOOD REWARDS. This 1,100 calories I burned on the treadmill is basically just everything I put into my body theother night. So there's not too much of a sence of accomplishment there. =/

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 1 of a 6-Day Water Fast

I've fasted before with much success. I really enjoy it, actually. And am getting quite good at it. I started this month off at 115lbs (which is really like 145lbs on an average size girl because I'm only 4'8), got myself down to 101.5lbs but then made some unhealthy choices with my food and came back up to 108.5lbs. =( I'm back on track though, and determined to get down to at least 102 by the end of this month. God dammit...