Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 3 of my 6-Day Water Fast

It's the end of day 3 and I'm starting to get some cravings. They usually get stronger in the evenings, so I'm thinking about going to bed early to avoid any chance of failing. "Don't jeopardize what you want most for what you want in the moment," right? But I made it through Free Pancake Day without caving! Hooray! Lol

I posted about my fast on Facebook today. (People seem to be less suspicious when you're open about these things and have them "under control.") My friend Drea thought that a Water Fast is literally when you fast water. Like, rid your diet of it all together. She reamed me out for being stupid and damaging when she had no idea what she was even talking about. How the Hell can you fast from Water?? It's in EVERYTHING. Your body NEEDS it! And not only that, but the more you drink, themore water weight you lose! Why would anyone want to fast from water?? You'd die in less than a week. Just thought that was funny. Had to share it.

I'm also starting to get chilly on a constant basis. Perhaps I should consider adding Iron to my daily vitamins... I've taken like, 3 hot baths today, and it's about to be 4 here, in a minute, I think. Brrrrr... 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eureeka! I'm so glad you found my blog. I like yours so far (nice toe ring in the pics by the way) and it's nice to see someone who needs to lose weight as fast as I do! I will support you 100% That being said, good job on not caving (pancakes are my weakness)! I don't know if you're religious, but sometimes using it as an excuse to fast works. Good luck!
    All my support,
    <3 A Fragile Heart
