Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fuck you, America.

So, I'm into day 3 of my water fast and this is when I usually start to get all my detox symptoms. Headache, chills, irritability, fatigue, etc.. all the signs that your body is getting a good cleanse and getting rid of all the nasty shit we put into our bodies without even realizing it. This is the day that I usually start getting strong food cravings and want to eat just about anything and everyting I could possibly get my hands on.

That being said, I would just like to point out that apparently America isn't fucking fat and glutonous enough as it is, so it was  decided that, for SOME reason, we need a National Pancake Day today. A NATIONAL FUCKING PANCAKE DAY. Right smack dab in the middle of the hardest point of my fast. Awesome. All the IHOPs are serving free pancakes today, I've had numerous people call/text me about this throughout the morning, and it doesn't help that every channel on TV seems to revolve around breakfast food today. I can't even log into Facebook without my news feed being flooded with delicious-looking pancake posts. I'm going to have to stress some SERIOUS will power today. -_-;;  

But hey, on the bright side, I haven't caved yet and have been loing a decent amount of weight for this only being day 3. =)

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